Metaverse: What happened to Mark Zuckerberg's next big thing?

Two years ago, the metaverse was billed as the next big thing - but many in the tech world have already moved on.
2023-09-25 22:41:57

How the metaverse became real estate's new frontier

Speak to people working in the metaverse and one descriptor follows it around: "It's like the Wild West." Make of that what you will. Is it a new frontier for people seeking their fortune? A lawless land? A place characterized by the unknown, removed from the rest of society? Perhaps all of the above. But one thing's for sure -- people in the Wild West weren't dropping $650,000 in cryptocurrency on a digital yacht.
2023-04-24 11:06:56

Iszonyatos égés lett az EU méregdrága metaverzuma, hat ember ment el az ünnepélyes megnyitóra

Az EU 400 ezer dollárért hozott létre egy fiataloknak szóló metaverzum-szerű digitális teret, a 24 órás nyitóbulin azonban mindössze hatan jelentek meg - írja a Cybernews.
2022-12-09 12:14:32

Újabb nagyágyú készül a metaverzumba, szép csendben levédik az ötleteiket

A Visa két védjegybejelentést nyújtott be a hatóságokhoz, amelyek a metaverzumohoz, a nem helyettesíthető tokenekhez és a digitális tárcákhoz kötődnek - számol be róla a Finextra.
2022-11-02 14:09:58

Analysis: Facebook became Meta one year ago. Its metaverse dream feels as far away as ever

Even by Facebook's standards, 2021 was a rough year.
2022-11-01 00:06:21

One year and $10 billion later, Metaverse still hasn't clicked

Even by Facebook's standards, 2021 was a rough year.
2022-10-31 01:08:05

Mark Zuckerberg reveals new Quest Pro VR headset

Facebook-owner Meta has revealed a new VR headset as part of its continued metaverse push.
2022-10-11 23:12:08

Kelet-Közép-Európa egyik legnagyobb bankja is felköltözött a metaverzumba

A PKO Bank Polski, Kelet-Közép-Európa egyik legnagyobb bankja felköltözteti Varsó egyik legismertebb épületét a PKO Rotundát a metaverzumba - írja a bank a közleményében.
2022-10-11 16:09:49

Walmart enters the Roblox metaverse

Walmart has entered the metaverse.
2022-09-26 21:09:08

Analysis: Meta's big problem: Everything about VR looks supremely uncool

An image of Mark Zuckerberg's blocky, dead-eyed visage taken from his Metaverse avatar has become something of a reality check for anyone betting on the future of virtual reality.
2022-08-26 15:06:14

The internet immediately jumped in to mock Mark Zuckerberg's newest project

Mark Zuckerberg, in response to a torrent of critical memes mocking the graphics of Meta's newest project, has heard his critics -- and changed his selfie.
2022-08-21 23:06:20

Into the metaverse: Making the jump to a new reality

Tech companies are making major bets on the metaverse. CNN's Anna Stewart meets the tech entrepreneur who's already getting it off the ground.
2022-08-08 17:10:50

Paris Hilton wants to be the 'Queen of the Metaverse'

A fuschia Bentley drives down a twisty desert road toward the entrance of the Neon Carnival, an after-party held each year during Coachella. Paris Hilton has arrived. Her hair is in pigtails, twisted in part with white flowers, and she's wearing a sparkly pink romper that matches her platform boots. She greets fans on a red carpet, heads to a packed dance floor and eventually finds her way to the go-karts.
2022-05-27 18:07:53

The celebrity love affair with NFTs may be just beginning -- even amid flops and doubts

It seems that every few days, a new star announces their foray into the world of non-fungible tokens, cryptocurrency or some other inscrutable corner of the metaverse -- the general term for a nascent virtual space where people can play, meet, and of course, buy things.
2022-05-19 18:06:56

Kraft Heinz wants to solve its supply chain problems ? in the metaverse

Kraft Heinz is using the metaverse to help get Lunchables, Velveeta and ketchup onto shelves faster.
2022-05-06 22:09:50

'Everything Everywhere All at Once' is the mind-bending metaverse movie you didn't know you needed

Strange, surreal and unexpectedly sentimental, "Everything Everywhere All at Once" is genuinely and wildly original -- the kung fu/science fiction/metaphysical action comedy that you didn't know you needed, but just might love. "Might" does a lot of work there, because while the film will have its well-deserved admirers, the dizzying nature of it won't be for everyone.
2022-04-08 18:08:27

Metaverse app allows kids into virtual strip clubs

A BBC investigation witnesses grooming, sexual material and a rape threat in a virtual reality world.
2022-02-23 12:14:57

Facebook is rebranding everything but faces the same old problems

Nearly four months ago, amid a firestorm of critical coverage stemming from a whistleblower's leaks, Facebook shifted its strategic focus to building an immersive version of the internet it calls the "metaverse" and changed its company name to Meta.
2022-02-21 03:09:01

Facebook is rebranding everything but faces the same old problems

Nearly four months ago, amid a firestorm of critical coverage stemming from a whistleblower's leaks, Facebook shifted its strategic focus to building an immersive version of the internet it calls the "metaverse" and changed its company name to Meta.
2022-02-19 21:11:46

Wall Street's metaverse dreams take a hit

Wall Street is convinced it's discovered the future of Silicon Valley. But early bets on the "metaverse" are running into some turbulence.
2022-02-16 16:08:20

Cryptocurrencies rally on Facebook's 'Meta' rebrand

Facebook announced its company rebrand just last week, but a little-known cryptocurrency is already rallying in anticipation of an expanding metaverse.
2021-11-02 15:05:48

Cryptocurrencies rally on Facebook's 'Meta' rebrand

Facebook announced its company rebrand just last week, but a little-known cryptocurrency is already rallying in anticipation of an expanding metaverse.
2021-11-02 15:05:49

Közelebb van a metaverzum, mint hinnéd - Már jövőre jöhetnek a Microsoft-alkalmazások

Ha azt hiszed, hogy a Facebook jövőképében szereplő metaverzum csupa játék és kacagás lesz, akkor nagyot tévedsz. Dolgozni is lehet majd benne, amire a Microsoft már készül a saját, üzleti felhasználású termékeivel és ez közelebb van, mint gondolnád, az első alkalmazások akár pár hónapon belül elérhetőek lehetnek ? írja a Bloomberg.
2021-11-04 12:06:06

Facebook's metaverse plans labelled as 'dystopian' and 'a bad idea'

Roger McNamee, an early Facebook investor, says it "should not be allowed" to build the metaverse.
2021-11-04 15:07:12

Don't tell Mark Zuckerberg: investors have already discovered the metaverse

The company formerly known as Facebook is now calling itself Meta Platforms. But investors looking to cash in on the virtual world known as the metaverse already have plenty of other options besides Mark Zuckerberg's social media giant.
2021-11-17 17:05:49

What Epic Games CEO Tim Sweeney thinks about Apple, China and the 'metaverse'

Tim Sweeney is on a mission.
2021-11-18 11:06:01

Egyre durvább dolgok történnek a metaverzumban, most vettek egy virtuális ingatlant 1,4 milliárd forintért

Miközben emberek milliárdjai viccelődnek a Facebook metaverzumról szóló terveivel, valódi emberek dollár milliókat (és hamarosan milliárdokat) költenek valódi pénzben képzeletbeli tárgyak megvásárlására. Ahogy Alkesh Shah, a BofA munkatársa írja, a metaverzumban a föld (és jacht) vásárlások felgyorsulnak, ahogy a blokklánc-alapú alkalmazások és az új keretek tovább fejlődnek. A ZeroHedge összegyűjtött néhány példát arra, hogy mire költik az emberek a túlságosan is valós pénzüket.
2021-12-09 14:07:15

It's not quite the metaverse, but Meta is launching its virtual world

Meta is bringing its vision of a so-called metaverse closer to (virtual) reality.
2021-12-10 10:06:20

Nike buys virtual sneaker maker to sell digital shoes in the metaverse

Nike said on Monday it had bought virtual sneaker company RTFKT for an undisclosed sum, as the sportswear giant looks to quickly expand its footprint in the fast-growing "metaverse."
2021-12-14 15:07:20

Digital dress codes: What will we wear in the metaverse?

In the near future, instead of going to your closet to choose something to throw on for your next video call, you might instead turn to your virtual wardrobe to pick out a 3D-rendered digital outfit to "wear."
2021-12-15 14:08:01

What is the metaverse?

From virtual versions of ourselves to augmented reality, we break down what the metaverse is.
2021-12-20 02:07:42

Year in tech: The stories making headlines in 2021

From the metaverse to NFTs and everything in-between, what's made the news in tech this year?
2021-12-31 02:06:15

Wired's top editor: Metaverse 'feels like a terminological land grab'

The word "metaverse" is popping up everywhere. Facebook recently changed its name to Meta Platforms. Nike bought a virtual shoe company to help it expand to the metaverse. And other brands like Gucci and Ralph Lauren have been considering the future of fashion with digital personas.
2022-01-03 17:06:56

Az Apple nem kér a metaverzumból

Mark Zuckerberg tavaly júliusban használta először a ?metaverzum? kifejezést, amikor elárulta, hogy közösségimédia-hálózatból ?metaverzum céggé? fejlesztik a Facebookot. Ennek nyomán meg is történt az átnevezés, az egykor Facebooknak nevezett cég már Metaként létezik, és ez alá tartozik a többi szolgáltatás is, többek közt az Instagram. Az októberi Oculus Connect konferencián aztán bővebben hallhattunk arról, hogyan fognak bele a koncepció megvalósításába. A metaverzum egy komplett online világ lesz, ahol a felhasználók virtuálisan játszhatnak, dolgozhatnak, beszélgethetnek, méghozzá virtuáli...
2022-01-12 15:13:25

From robot soccer to speedgate, these sports of the future already exist

From the metaverse to non-fungible tokens (NFTs), new technology is endlessly changing how we live our lives -- and one of the biggest arenas where that's playing out is sport.
2022-01-14 11:06:49

My big fat digital wedding: Indian couple plan country's 'first metaverse marriage'

As Covid-19 forces families across India to downsize or cancel their traditionally large-scale weddings, one couple has found a venue unaffected by restrictions: the metaverse.
2022-01-24 07:05:51

Kanye West, Julia Fox and other highlights from the Paris Fashion Week menswear shows

Even in an evermore metaverse-obsessed world, physical fashion weeks remain bellwethers of our wardrobe trends. Over the past two years, these summits have seesawed, largely due to Covid-19 and its variants, back and forth between digital, in-person, and "phygital" presentations. Despite the upheaval, the fact remains that there's no more powerful a showcase of what's to come stylistically than these events -- and they're not always just about the clothes: Fashion weeks start conversations about identity and self-presentation, and how those evolving attitudes fit into, or reflect, popular cult...
2022-01-24 17:06:13

Indian couple plan country's 'first metaverse wedding'

As Covid-19 forces families across India to downsize or cancel their traditionally large-scale weddings, one couple has found a venue unaffected by restrictions: the metaverse.
2022-01-25 10:06:32

Nem maradsz Big Mac nélkül a metaverzumban sem - Éttermek nyitására készülhet a McDonald's

Olyan védjegykérelmet nyújtott be a McDonald?s az Egyesült Államokban a napokban, ami arra utal, hogy éttermek nyitására készül a metaverzumban ? tudta meg a Daily Mail.
2022-02-11 12:09:11

Eget rengető csalás jelent meg az interneten, ne dőlj be neki!

Decentraland, axie infinity, the sandbox, enjin coin, számtalan olyan kriptoeszközt ismerünk, amellyel olyan virtuális platformokon lehet fizetni, amiket mostanában divatos névvel metaverzumnak hívnak. A nagy technológiai vállalatok is mind ott szeretnének lenni a virtuális valóságban, akkor hát miért ne hozhatna létre saját metaverzumot az Apple, az Amazon vagy akár a Tesla? És miért ne lehetne ezeknek a cégeknek saját digitális fizetőeszközük? Mondjuk Apple Metaverse Coin, Amazon Token és Tesla Token? A jó hír az, hogy vannak ilyenek, a rossz pedig az, hogy mind átverés. Ahogy egyre többen k...
2022-02-11 15:11:43

A Disney is tervez valamit a metaverzummal

Új vezetőt nevezett ki a Disney vezérigazgatója ma Mike White személyében, aki a vállalat metaverzum-stratégiájáért felel majd ? írja a CNBC.
2022-02-15 22:11:34

Disney appoints executive to oversee metaverse strategy

Technology giants, including Meta and Microsoft, are pouring billions of dollars into the metaverse.
2022-02-16 07:09:52


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